St. Isidore School Quakertown

6th Social Studies Travel Agent Project

6th Grade Travel Agent


(100 points)

You are going to act as a travel agent. Your job will be to pick any European nation to research and try to “sell” Mr. Perry a vacation to that country. All of the information required will be the same; however, you may present your research in one of three ways. All projects will be presented to the class. This presentation will be graded and factored into your final points total. Due: January 4, 2016

Digital Presentation:


Tri-Fold Poster

Digital Presentation Rubric

  • All required information is present.
  • All information is factual.
  • Missing some required information.
  • Some incorrect facts.
  • Several pieces of required information are missing.
  • Information is not factual.
  • Pictures are colorful and appropriate.
  • Pictures support information displayed.
  • Few colorful pictures.
  • Some pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Minimal pictures.
  • Pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Works cited page is done properly. Three sources included.
  • Few mistakes on works cited page. Two sources included.
  • Works cited page missing or done incorrectly. Zero or one source included.


25 points

(each category = 5pts)


15 points

(each category = 3pts)


10 points

(each category = 2pts)

Brochure Rubric

  • All required information is present.
  • All information is factual.
  • Missing some required information.
  • Some incorrect facts.
  • Several pieces of required information are missing.
  • Information is not factual.
  • Pictures are colorful and appropriate.
  • Pictures support information displayed.
  • Few colorful pictures.
  • Some pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Minimal pictures.
  • Pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Works cited page is done properly. Three sources included.
  • Few mistakes on works cited page. Two sources included.
  • Works cited page missing or done incorrectly. Zero or one source included.


25 points

(each category = 5pts)


15 points

(each category = 3pts)


10 points

(each category = 2pts)

Tri-fold Poster Rubric

  • All required information is present.
  • All information is factual.
  • Missing some required information.
  • Some incorrect facts.
  • Several pieces of required information are missing.
  • Information is not factual.
  • Pictures are colorful and appropriate.
  • Pictures support information displayed.
  • Few colorful pictures.
  • Some pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Minimal pictures.
  • Pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Works cited page is done properly. Three sources included.
  • Few mistakes on works cited page. Two sources included.
  • Works cited page missing or done incorrectly. Zero or one source included.


25 points

(each category = 5pts)


15 points

(each category = 3pts)


10 points

(each category = 2pts)

Presentation Rubric

  • Presents project with clear voice.
  • Keeps eye contact throughout the crowd.
  • Does not read directly from the project
  • Voice is low and unclear at times.
  • Eye contact is sporadic throughout presentation.
  • Occasionally reads directly from the project
  • Can’t hear presentation.
  • No eye contact during presentation.
  • Reads directly from the project throughout.
  • Presents project all project information.
  • Describes process effectively.
  • Missing some project information.
  • Process not described in detail.
  • Missing key project information.
  • Missing process description.


25 points

(Each category = 5pts)


15 points

(Each category = 3pts)


10 points

(Each category = 2pts)