Homework – February 17, 2016

4th – Independent practice on adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
5th – App 27 – 29, Conn 52 – 53, 67 – 70
6th- App 5 – 13, conn 19-28, ext 32 – 36
7th – Practice page. 9-1 probability
8th – practice page 8-6 front only and finish “go formative”

Homework – February 11, 2016

4th – worksheet on converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers
5th – App 22 – 26, 51
6th – App 3 – 4, Connections 14 – 18, Extensions, 29-31
7th – app 8, 11 Connections 31 – 36, 38, 41, extensions 46 – 50
8th – lesson 8-5 worksheet

Homework – February 2/8/16

4th – Finish worksheet on adding fractions with “like” denominators
5th – Finish Looking back in Comparing Bits and Pieces
6th – Finish your Mathematical Reflection
7th – Finish your graph/equation match up
8th – Finish your GoFormative, comments were made on most of the wrong answers.

Homework – February 4, 2016

4th – Pizza Project was given out with a Pizza Box, due February 16th. There will be time in class to work on as well.
5th – Comparing Bits and Pieces Unit Exam will be on Monday
6th – Stretching and Shrinking, Problem 1.2 Applications – 5 – 7, Connections, 18-19. There will be an assessment on Monday on Investigation 1
7th – Thinking with Mathematical Models, Investigation 3, problem 3.1 Applications 1-2, Connections, 12-21, 39
8th – Polynomials multiplying special cases. Review powerpoint, complete goformative.com 8.4 Got It. To get to powerpoint, please go to google classroom and join the 8th grade honors math classroom by typing in the code – o02n1a7 .

Homework – February 3, 2016

4th – finish practice page on mixed numbers and ordering fractions, be prepared for a check up tomorrow
5th – We will have a review tomorrow and the Unit test on Monday, we will not have class on Friday due to Stem Challenge
6th – Enjoy your evening, work on your math maintenance
7th – work on your maintenance or Scholastic math, enjoy your evening
8th – Practice page 8-3, odds 1 – 27, 31, 33, 39

Homework – February 2, 2016

4th – Comparing fractions practice page
5th – App – 21 – 25, Extension 41 – 44
6th – App – 1 -4, connections 8 – 17
7th – Quiz for writing slope from equations, data tables or graphs
8th – 8-2 practice page, using distributive property with polynomials and finding the GCF and factoring out.

Homeowrk – February 1, 2015

4th – We are working on putting our fractions into “lowest terms” or “simplest form” using our GCF. Practice page
6th – Looking Back and Mathematical Reflection from Shapes and Designs
7th – Thinking with mathematical models Problem 2.5 , App 26 – 34, Conn 44 – 55, we are at the end of the investigation, Check up tomorrow
8th – Adding and Subtracting Polynomials – Practice pg. 8-1