6th / 8th: Leaf Project

Leaf Identification


Due Date:__________ 100 Points


  • To become familiar with the varieties of trees native to our area.
  • To learn the method of leaf identification and classification.
  • To have the opportunity to be outdoors appreciating and making observations about your environment.
  • To create an identification book of native trees.


  1. Gather required leaves from the trees listed below.

  2. Create a book/packet with the following:

  • Leaf example. It should be covered in contact paper for protection.

  • Both the common and scientific names of the tree.

  • A description of the leaf, including it’s: appearance (length/width), color, texture, and leaf position (alternate or opposite). Refer to connected pages for help.

  • A description of the tree’s fruit/flower.

  • Determine if the plant is Native or invasive.

  • Picture or hand-drawn or the tree.

  • Cover page: Title (Leaf Identification Project). Your name. St. Isidore.

  1. Students must find all sixteen (16) species listed below. They should also choose four (4) invasive species to identify from the list as well.

Native Species

Eastern Hemlock

Eastern Red Cedar

Eastern White Pine

Flowering Dogwood

Red Maple

Silver Maple

Sugar Maple

White Ash


American Beech

Northern Red Oak

Pin Oak

White Oak


Tulip Tree

Honey locust

Invasive Species

Blue Spruce

Norway Spruce

Norway Maple

Tree of Heaven

Japanese Maple



Leaf book/packet Rubric

  • Cover page has all required information

  • Leaf is present and preserved

  • Species is labeled correctly

  • Cover page is missing some required information

  • Leaf is present but not preserved

  • Species is labeled with some mistake

  • Cover page is missing

  • Leaf is not present

  • Species is labeled with many mistakes

  • All required information about the species is present

  • Picture of tree is present and correct

  • Missing some required information about the species

  • Picture of tree is present with mistakes

  • Missing all required information about the species

  • Picture of tree is not present or incorrect


10 pts


7 pts


5 pts

7th Social Studies: Native American Project

7th grade Social Studies

Native American Project

(50 Points)

By the 1400’s, Native American tribes were spread throughout all of modern-day North America. In each region of the continent, the people adapted to their environments and flourished in unique ways. Your assignment will be to research a specific Native American tribe from one of the regions that we discussed in class. You will then create a digital presentation (i.e. PowerPoint, prezzy, keynote) describing the information that you discovered about your tribe. All projects will be presented to the class. This presentation will be graded and factored into your final point total. Due: October 1, 2015

All projects should include the following information about your tribe:

  • Title- Tribe name, your name, and 7th grade Social Studies.
  • Region of North America where they lived. (i.e. Northeast, Southwest).
  • Description of their environment. (Climate, landscape, weather, etc.)
  • Main source of food. (Hunters/gatherers, farmers)
  • Housing.
  • Religion, tribal structure, culture/customs, and traditions.
  • Unique characteristics.

Your presentation should be at least seven slides long, although, you may need more. This includes your title slide. You should include pictures/videos in your presentation. You must also create a works cited page. Cite any of the websites, books, etc. that you use in your research.

Digital Presentation Rubric

  • All required information is present.
  • All information is factual.
  • Missing some required information.
  • Some incorrect facts.
  • Several pieces of required information are missing.
  • Information is not factual.
  • Pictures are colorful and appropriate.
  • Pictures support information displayed.
  • Few colorful pictures.
  • Some pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Minimal pictures.
  • Pictures are not colored.
  • Pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Works cited page is done properly.



  • Few mistakes on works cited page.


3 points

  • Works cited page missing or done incorrectly.


2 points

Presentation Rubric

  • Presents project with clear voice.
  • Keeps eye contact throughout the crowd.
  • Does not read directly from the screen.
  • Voice is low and unclear at times.
  • Eye contact is sporadic throughout presentation.
  • Occasionally reads off of the screen.
  • Can’t hear presentation.
  • No eye contact during presentation.
  • Reads directly from the screen throughout the presentation.
  • Presents project all project information.
  • Describes process effectively.
  • Missing some project information.
  • Process not described in detail.
  • Missing key project information.
  • Missing process description.


5 points


3 points


2 points

Homework 9/14/15

6th Science- List 3 ways to prevent animals from moving into urban areas

6th Social Studies- Finish climate maps

7th Science- Microbes worksheet

7th Social Studies- Ch. 1 test packet

8th Science- Dim the lights worksheet and poster

Homework 9/10/1

6th Social Studies- Packet p. 9

7th Religion- Workbook p. 16. Minimum of 3 ways to bring religions together

7th Social Studies- p. 27 #1,2

8th Science- Water displacement lab report

PJAS- project ideas due tomorrow

7th Social Studies Native American Project Requirements

7th grade Social Studies

Native American Project

(50 Points)

By the 1400’s, Native American tribes were spread throughout all of modern-day North America. In each region of the continent, the people adapted to their environments and flourished in unique ways. Your assignment will be to research a specific Native American tribe from one of the regions that we discussed in class. You will then create a digital presentation (i.e. PowerPoint, prezzy, keynote) describing the information that you discovered about your tribe. All projects will be presented to the class. This presentation will be graded and factored into your final point total. Due: October 1, 2015

All projects should include the following information about your tribe:

  • Title- Tribe name, your name, and 7th grade Social Studies.
  • Region of North America where they lived. (i.e. Northeast, Southwest).
  • Description of their environment. (Climate, landscape, weather, etc.)
  • Main source of food. (Hunters/gatherers, farmers)
  • Housing.
  • Religion, tribal structure, culture/customs, and traditions.
  • Unique characteristics.

Your presentation should be at least seven slides long, although, you may need more. This includes your title slide. You should include pictures/videos in your presentation. You must also create a works cited page. Cite any of the websites, books, etc. that you use in your research.

Digital Presentation Rubric

  • All required information is present.
  • All information is factual.
  • Missing some required information.
  • Some incorrect facts.
  • Several pieces of required information are missing.
  • Information is not factual.
  • Pictures are colorful and appropriate.
  • Pictures support information displayed.
  • Few colorful pictures.
  • Some pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Minimal pictures.
  • Pictures are not colored.
  • Pictures do not support information displayed.
  • Works cited page is done properly.



  • Few mistakes on works cited page.


3 points

  • Works cited page missing or done incorrectly.


2 points

Presentation Rubric

  • Presents project with clear voice.
  • Keeps eye contact throughout the crowd.
  • Does not read directly from the screen.
  • Voice is low and unclear at times.
  • Eye contact is sporadic throughout presentation.
  • Occasionally reads off of the screen.
  • Can’t hear presentation.
  • No eye contact during presentation.
  • Reads directly from the screen throughout the presentation.
  • Presents project all project information.
  • Describes process effectively.
  • Missing some project information.
  • Process not described in detail.
  • Missing key project information.
  • Missing process description.


5 points


3 points


2 points

Homework 9/8/15

6th Social Studies- wkst packet (p.6)

6th Science- please bring in  a green leaf tomorrow for an experiment

7th Religion- ch. 1 Faith Words

7th Science- p. 40 #1

7th Social Studies- pick a tribe for the Native American project.

Homework 9/3/15

6th Social Studies- Geography worksheet

6th Science- Lab due

7th Social Studies- Native American Chart. p. 15 #1-3

8th Science- p. 74 #1,2

6th Science lab (Wednesday 9/9):

  • Bring scissors and a green leaf
  • We need straws, clear plastic cups, and empty water bottles