ELA–vocabulary p. 75-78; vocabulary test Friday; essay “What Memorial Day Means to Me” due tomorrow (max. 350 words)
Author Archives: MFinnegan
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
ELA–vocabulary p. 75-78; vocabulary test Friday; read historical fiction novel
7th ELA reminder!
Spelling test Tuesday!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving!
ELA–spelling test Tuesday
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
ELA–“What Memorial Day Means to Me” essay due Wednesday: max of 350 words, typed or neatly written on one side of a paper, get cover sheet signed
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
religion–service project papers due; worksheet on the 5th commandment due
social studies–finish class work–map, question, graphic organizer
ELA–vocabulary note cards
Monday, November 21, 2016
ELA–brainstorm “What Memorial Day Means to Me” on paper; review notes and “Names/Nombres” for test; vocabulary unit 6 note cards due by Tuesday, 11/29; spelling unit 6 test 11/29; essay–“What Memorial Day Means to Me” and cover sheet due by Wednesday, 11/30; vocabulary unit 6 test Friday, 12/2
Monday, November 21, 2016
religion–service projects due by Wednesday; worksheet due Wednesday
ELA–unit 6 vocab note cards due Wednesday; spelling unit 6 test on Tuesday, 11/19; vocab test on Friday, 12/2; finish reading worksheet
Thursday, November 17, 2016
religion–read and highlight p. 55-56; service hours due no later than 11/23
ELA–vocab test
social studies–read and take notes on p. 512-515; vocab quiz Monday
Thursday, November 17, 2016
ELA–study for vocabulary test; grammar workbook p. 65, #1-10