ELA–vocabulary final Monday; grammar quiz on verb tenses Wednesday; ode due Thursday
ELA–vocabulary final Monday; grammar quiz on verb tenses Wednesday; ode due Thursday
religion–p. 123 assessment for Friday; religion final Wednesday, 5/23; service hours due by 6/2
ELA–study for vocab final on Monday
social studies–chapter 21, section 4: read and do note-taking guide for Friday; test either Tuesday or Wednesday next week
ELA–study for vocab final on Monday; finish draft of ode for Friday; grammar worksheet for Friday
ELA–study for vocabulary final on 5/22; finish worksheet on “Ode to Pablo’s Tennis Shoes”; brainstorm 2 topics to write your own ode–these must be inanimate objects and you need at least 5 or 6 words/phrases for each one
ELA–study for vocabulary final on 5/22
religion–finish study guide part 2
social studies–finish reading section 2 and complete note-taking guide; anticipate test on Tuesday 5/23
ELA–study for vocabulary final on Monday, 5/22
religion–finish study guide
social studies–finish reading chapter 21, section 1 and note-taking guide
ELA–study for vocabulary final on Monday, 5/22; grammar workbook p. 93-94 finish if necessary
ELA–study for spelling final on Friday
social studies–test tomorrow–make sure you have your notes!
ELA–spelling final Friday, vocab final 5/22
ELA–spelling final Friday; vocabulary final Monday, May 22; Julius Caesar–create visual storyboard of Act IV, sc. 3 and write at least 2 predictions for act V