social studies–notes on p. 512-515; chapter 15 vocabulary test Monday
ELA–test on Poe works tomorrow; vocabulary test Friday
social studies–notes on p. 512-515; chapter 15 vocabulary test Monday
ELA–test on Poe works tomorrow; vocabulary test Friday
ELA–vocabulary test Friday; write a one paragraph anecdote for tomorrow (first person)
religion–short answer from Monday’s class
social studies–30 second to one minute note card talk on resource given in class today; review vocabulary words
ELA–vocabulary p. 65-8; review “The Tell-tale Heart”, “The Raven”, and “Annabel Lee” for test Thursday
ELA–use any 10 vocabulary unit 5 words in a story or comic
ELA–good copy of essay with drafts
ELA–“The Raven” worksheets; test on Poe story and poems on Thursday; vocabulary p. 65-68 due Wednesday
Religion–3-4 sentences to answer question
ELA–vocab p. 65-68 due Monday; good copy of personal narrative due Tuesday with both drafts
ELA–vocab p.65-68 due by Wednesday
7th grade ELA–study spelling; bring in new edited version of essay
8th grade ELA–study spelling; essay due; The Raven–look up the vocabulary you are unfamiliar with
ELA–spelling test Friday; finish questions on “The Raven”; essay due Friday with cover sheet
social studies–study for test