ELA–review 4 kinds of sentences, simple and compound sentences, and finding subjects and predicates for test Tuesday
ELA–review 4 kinds of sentences, simple and compound sentences, and finding subjects and predicates for test Tuesday
First Friday Mass and Blessing of Animals tomorrow!
ELA–vocabulary test
social studies–finish notes on chapter 13, section 2
ELA–study for vocabulary test; grammar workbook p. 60, #1-10; grammar test on sentences next Tuesday
ELA–use any 10 vocabulary words in sentences; memorize the present tense conjugation of the verb “to be”; vocabulary test Friday
ELA–essay due tomorrow; all vocabulary unit 2 exercises due tomorrow; study for vocab test on Friday
religion–test Thursday
art–zine due Thursday
ELA–all vocabulary unit 2 exercises due tomorrow; study for vocab test on Friday
Tuesday visit to Bethlehem Catholic–Students are to wear their gym uniforms. They do not need a lunch as it is provided for them. We will be leaving immediately after prayers in the morning and return well before regular afternoon dismissal.
religion–test on chapter 2 Thursday
ELA–essay due Wednesday; finish all unit 2 vocabulary exercises for Wednesday; vocab test Friday
art-finish zine for Thursday
Confirmation–the children will be having their interviews on Thursday afternoon. Please help them review their questions. All paperwork and payments are due at that time. Thank you!
ELA–reading test tomorrow on “Narcissus” and “How Odin Lost His Eye”; vocabulary–finish unit 2 exercises by Wednesday, test Friday
ELA–spelling unit 2 test tomorrow; revise Outsiders essay to better incorporate quotes; finish at least 2 quotes on worksheet if not done in class; poetry recitation!
social studies–chapter 13 vocabulary terms only on p. 443
ELA–good copy of myth due; spelling unit 2 test