August 30, 2016

ELA–study No Excuses word list for test on Thursday; revise character paragraph from summer reading

Milk money due by Thursday–white or chocolate $21.60; orange juice $16.20

August 29, 2016

ELA–test on No Excuses word list on Thursday; anticipate test on The Outsiders on Tuesday or Wednesday next week

Milk money due by Thursday–white or chocolate $21.60; orange juice $16.20

Please have hard cover books covered by next Tuesday.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

religion–study guide due tomorrow; service hours due 6/3

ELA–read chapters 4 to 6 and do worksheets; complete study guide; essay due Tuesday

social studies–study guide for tomorrow; chapter 24, section 1 note-taking guide for Wednesday


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

religion–finish reading and highlighting p. 209-211; study guide due Friday

ELA–poetry recitation tomorrow; grammar worksheet; essay due Tuesday; read chapter 3 of The Call of the Wild

social studies–study for chapter 23 test; review for final; study guide due Friday