*Bring 5 lbs. of potatoes for feast.
s.s.–journal due–date your entries like a real journal from that time period! Finish chapter 13, section 4 notes
ELA–vocab test
*Bring 5 lbs. of potatoes for feast.
s.s.–journal due–date your entries like a real journal from that time period! Finish chapter 13, section 4 notes
ELA–vocab test
ELA–Completing the Sentences; vocabulary unit 5 test Friday; read–20 pages or for 20 minutes
ELA–Completing the Sentences vocabulary; vocab unit 5 test Friday
social studies–chpt. 13, part 3 of assessment due Friday
ELA–study for spelling test tomorrow; grammar worksheet p. 75 (also available via: http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/workbooks/language_arts/grammar_gr7/la_0078205409_04.pdf)
religion–take notes on John’s Gospel, p. 57. Do definitions for faith words.
ELA–study spelling for test
social studies–part 2 of assessment–be sure to email web address or otherwise save it to show in class
religion–take home test due Monday
science–finish notes p. 124-131; do questions #1 & 2 on p. 131
ELA–spelling test Friday
religion–read and highlight p. 35
social studies–assessment part 2 due Friday
ELA–review worksheets on “Seventh Grade” for quiz tomorrow; spelling test Friday
ELA–vocab unit 5 notecards; quiz on sentences
social studies–chat. 13 assessment pt. 1 due, pt. 2 due Friday
ELA–unit 5 vocab cards due Wed.; quiz on “Seventh Grade” on Thursday; spelling test Friday
ELA–write one sentence for each of the 4 kinds; write 4 compound sentences each using a different conjunction; write one fragment and one run-on; vocab notecards due Wed.; quiz on sentences Wed.
social studies–assessment part 1 due Wed.; part 2 due Friday