Thursday, November 5, 2015

ELA–study for spelling test tomorrow; grammar worksheet p. 75 (also available via:

religion–take notes on John’s Gospel, p. 57. Do definitions for faith words.

Thursday, November 5, 2016


ELA–study spelling for test

social studies–part 2 of assessment–be sure to email web address or otherwise save it to show in class

religion–take home test due Monday

science–finish notes p. 124-131; do questions #1 & 2 on p. 131


Monday, November 2, 2015

ELA–write one sentence for each of the 4 kinds; write 4 compound sentences each using a different conjunction; write one fragment and one run-on; vocab notecards due Wed.; quiz on sentences Wed.

social studies–assessment part 1 due Wed.; part 2 due Friday