ELA–vocab “Completing the Sentence”; vocab test Friday; worksheet; grammar test Thursday on sentences
ELA–vocab “Completing the Sentence”; vocab test Friday; worksheet; grammar test Thursday on sentences
ELA–spelling corrections, 10x each and get test signed; vocabulary “Choosing the Right Word” and “Synonyms and Antonyms”; grammar worksheet; grammar test Thursday on sentences–4 kinds, simple and compound, FANBOYS, fragments and run-ons
*Reminder: Trip Thursday to Bethlehem Catholic–be at school by 8:15, please. Wear regular school uniform. No lunch or backpack needed.
ELA–“Choosing the right word”, “Synonyms and Antonyms”–vocabulary; good copy of essay due Wednesday
social studies–read chapter 12, section 1 and complete note-taking study guide; test next Thursday (10/22) on this chapter; get chapter 11 test signed
ELA–study spelling and learn poem
social studies–test tomorrow
religion–test Monday
ELA–write a compound sentence using each of the 7 conjunctions (FANBOYS); spelling test Friday
religion–list 3 organizations that combat social injustice; test on Monday
social studies–complete chapter 11 study guide–explain why the people are important; chapter test Friday
ELA–spelling test unit 3 on Friday; quiz on kinds of sentences, simple, compound, run-on,fragments, comma splice
ELA–spelling unit 3 test Friday; write a sentence showing each of the 4 kinds of sentences, and write sentences with a compound subject, a compound predicate, and one that has both a compound predicate and compound subject.
religion–test on Monday, 10/12
ELA–quiz on 4 kinds of sentences, simple and compound sentences, fragments and run-ons on Thursday; spelling test Friday; bring 3 small personal items to school; memorize “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Monday
social studies–chpt. 11 test Friday; read section 4 and complete note-taking guide; study guide due by Thursday
ELA–make notecards for unit 3 vocabulary/spelling; spelling test Friday
religion–chapter test next Monday, 10/12
social studies–chapter 11 test Friday; complete reading and notes on chpt. 11, section 3
ELA–spelling unit 3 test Friday