ELA 7–spelling test on unit 1 tomorrow; finish dove for bulletin board
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ELA 7–spelling test on unit 1 tomorrow; finish dove for bulletin board
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ELA 8–theme paragraph due tomorrow; spelling test on unit 1 tomorrow
social studies–complete notes on chpt. 10, section 1
ELA 7–worksheet on parts of speech; spelling test Friday; notecards for vocabulary due Monday
ELA 8–spelling test Friday; theme paragraph due Friday
social studies–complete notes on chpt. 10, section 1 by Friday
religion–robe or towel for Gospel on Friday
ELA 7–study for Fever test tomorrow; spelling test on unit 1 Friday
ELA 8–study for test on The Outsiders; spelling unit 1 test Friday
ELA 8–test on The Outsiders on Wednesday; think of one lesson that can be learned from the book and bring it to class Tuesday
ELA 7–Fever test on Wednesday
Have a good weekend!
ELA 7–test on No Excuses words tomorrow; test on Fever on 9/9
ELA 8–test tomorrow on No Excuses words; non-fiction project due Tuesday, 9/8; test on Outsiders 9/9