
English /Reading — 2 sided paper & STUDY

Spelling / Vocabulary — do pg. 145 – CURSIVE

Reading — “Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest” – TEST – 4/6

Vocabulary — Unit 14 TEST – 4/7

Music / Gym — tomorrow


Spelling / Vocabulary — do pg. 144 – CURSIVE

Math — do pg. 271 – # 10-29

Vocabulary — Unit 14 TEST – 4/7

Reading — “Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest” TEST – 4/6

Library / Computer – tomorrow

First Friday Mass – 9 AM – 4/7 – 3rd Grade!!!


English / Reading — read “Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest” to someone

Math — do pg. 255

Library / Computer – tomorrow

Spelling – Unit 14 Test – 3/31



Spelling/Vocabulary — do pgs. 135 & 136 – CURSIVE — & STUDY

Art — tomorrow

Vocabulary — Unit 13 Test – 3/17

DDD – $1.00 – Wearing O’ the Green — 3/17

(At least 3) — #2 pencils by Monday


Spelling / Vocabulary — do pg. 124 – CURSIVE – & STUDY

Math — pr. bk. pg. P217

Gym & Music & LIBRARY — tomorrow

Vocabulary — Unit 12 TEST – 3/2


Spelling / Vocabulary — do pg. 123 – CURSIVE

Math — do pg. 439

Library / Computer — tomorrow

Vocabulary — Unit 12 TEST – 3/2

Ash Wednesday Mass – 9 AM – tomorrow