
English — do Grammar book page 17

Spelling — test Friday (Vocab pgs. 38 & 39)

Math — pr. bk. pg. P51

Library / Computer — tomorrow

Living Rosary – 9 AM – Friday – school cafeteria – all are invited


English / Reading — “Boom Town” paper

Reading — test on “Boom Town” – 10/11

Spelling — STUDY pgs. 28 & 29 in Vocab book

Spelling — test tomorrow

Math — paper

Art — tomorrow

“Kid’s Stuff” book OR money due back


Reading — read “Boom Town” to someone

Math — finish pg. 96

Science — bring in bridge building supplies

Spanish / Recorders – tomorrow

First Friday Mass – 9 AM – “Blessing of the Animals” to follow — 10/7

Spelling – TEST – from Vocabulary book Unit 3 words – 10/7


Religion — re-read pgs. 20 & 21 — do pg. 21

Spelling / Vocabulary — paper & STUDY

Vocabulary — test – 9/30 – on Unit 2 words

Art — tomorrow

Science — (OPTIONAL) — empty shoe boxes/”building supplies”

Reading — test on “Boom Town” – 10/6


Spelling / Vocabulary — do pg. 21

Math — pr. bk. pg. 15 – #8-14 – ADD ONLY

Science — empty shoe box(es) — (OPTIONAL)

Spanish — tomorrow

Vocabulary — TEST — 9/30 — on pages 18 & 19

Math — Quiz – 9/29 — (on addition, subtraction, and rounding ONLY)


Soft-Cover books — please try to have all soft-cover books (including the Homework book) covered with contact paper by next week

Please continue to send in water bottles……our classroom is very warm, and the weather looks to continue like this next week :0

If you have not already done so, please return your child’s Emergency Form to school ASAP

Please sign ONE section of the Photo Release Form and return to school

Music/ Gym — tomorrow

Math — do # 1-13 on page 7 in large Math book