4th grade homework 11/30

Math – study mult. tables

Spelling – activity, test Friday

Religion – study Chp. 3, test 12/6

Social Studies – Study where regions are located – page 15, , more notes to study will be copied by Friday, test 12/14

Book orders due Friday 12/2 by 9:00 p.m. if online

Religion Award due 12/7

Library Books

4th Grade Homework 11/29

Spelling – activity, test Friday

Religion – Study for Chp. 3 test on 12/6

Social Studies – Study where each region is located – page 15 , test will be on Wed. 12/14 – there will be more notes and info. to study in the next week

Book orders due by Friday night (online orders) or Friday during school if you want me to place the order

Christmas Show is Monday 12/12

4th Grade Homework 10/27

Spelling – study for tomorrow’s test, no activity required

Grammar – Study pages 16 and 20, test is Thursday 11/3

Bring in clean recycling

Dress Down tomorrow – Halloween colors  – $1.00

Religion Award due Friday 11/4

4th Grade Homework 10/26

Spelling – activity , test Friday

Math – pages 53 and 54

Grammar – Study simple subjects on page 16, test on Thursday 11/3

Recycling for Social Studies project

Religion Award due by Friday 11/4

Gym uniform may be worn on Monday for ease of Halloween costumes