4th grade homework

Spelling activity  – I usually do not assign one on Thursday nights, but  I didn’t give one on Tuesday night, test tomorrow

Math – sheet, follow the directions I gave

Book Orders due tomorrow

4th Grade Homework

Math – sheet on comparing and ordering numbers

Spelling – activity *If your child completes an activity that cannot be brought to class, please write what activity was completed in the homework book.

School Pictures – Wednesday

Student Council speech is due Wednesday

Book orders due Friday by 9:00 p.m. (if ordering online)

Back- to-School Night is tomorrow night at 6:30


Mrs. Ogborn – Homework 9/7

Art Bags due this  Friday 9/9

Please return band sheet even if your child is not going to play an instrument

School Pictures are next Wednesday 9/14

Communication Envelopes will be coming home tomorrow. Please sign and return on Friday.  Please return it empty.


***Scholastic Book Orders

I will try to give out a book order once a month.  It is very user friendly to order online.

 Just go to scholastic.com/reading club and enter my code  N84CG.  It should be fairly easy to navigate once you are logged in. If you would rather hand in a paper copy for me to do the order, just fill in the form included in the book order (please make sure you fill in your child’s name ) and send a check made payable to Scholastic Reading Club. I will not accept cash.  You only need to make out one check even if you are ordering from multiple catalogs.

I also use the bonus points earned from the orders to keep building our classroom library:)

The first book order is due next Friday 9/16 by 9:00 p.m. if you are ordering online.


Mrs. Ogborn – Homework 9/6

Art bags are due no later than Friday ( there should be a smock, crayons, and watercolor paint in a clear gallon bag labeled with student’s name)

Information about playing an instrument will be sent home today.  Ask your child about the band demonstration:)

*Spelling activity sheets were handed out today.  I will not assign an activity until next week.  Please remind your child to keep it in a safe place.  The first spelling test will be next Friday 9/16.

Math –   (This is only for those who stay with me, not honors math) – Practice pages 3 and 4  (I told the students that there may be some problems on the back they may not know. I just want them to try the problems.   I just look to make sure it is completed to the best of their ability .  I do expect homework to be in the next day.


Milk orders are still being accepted  for the first trimester – White or chocolate  $21.60

Orange juice  $16.20

Homework 12/16

Math – study multiplication tables, sheet #5,6,7,8

Religion – study, test Friday

Vocabulary – sheet, test Friday

Grammar – Part B on last 2 sheets, test tomorrow

Social Studies – Bring in items for project, see project guidelines on 12/10 post, project is due 1/15

Christmas story – due Friday


Dress Down – Friday

Homework 12/15

Math – Study multiplication facts, sheet #2,3,4

Vocabulary – study, no sheet tonight, test Friday

Religion – Study highlights, test Friday

Grammar – complete part B on the action verbs (lesson 12) and present -tense verbs (lesson 13), test Thursday

Social Studies – Bring in items for project.  *See project guidelines on 12/10 homework post

Christmas story due Friday

Dress Down – Friday – Christmas colors