Homework 11/18

Math – Test on Monday, refer to packet given out yesterday

Spelling – Activity, test Friday

Grammar – Part B on page 49, test tomorrow

Social Studies – Test on PA regions – Wed. 11/25

Book orders due Wed. 11/25


Homework 11/17

Math – sheet on regrouping – also do the estimating, test Monday 11/23

Spelling – activity, test Friday

Grammar – Part B on page 45 – singular and plural nouns, test Thursday

Social Studies – Test on PA regions Wed. 11/25

Book orders due Wed. 11/25


Thanksgiving Feast tomorrow – no lunch needed

Homework 11/16

Math – sheet, test on chapter 3 – Monday 11/23

Spelling – activity, test Friday

Grammar – Part B on page 41, test Thursday

Social Studies – test on PA regions Wed.  11/25

Book orders due Wed. 11/25


Thanksgiving Feast is on Wednesday, so no lunch is needed

Homework 11/12

Math – study multiplication tables

Vocabulary – sheet, test tomorrow

Social Studies – study for test on PA regions on Wed. 11/25


Tomorrow is the last day to bring turkey stuffing for the feast

Homework 11/11

Math – practice mult. tables!!

Vocabulary – sheet, test Friday

Religion test tomorrow

Social Studies – Study Erie Plain , Atlantic Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions – test will be on 11/25 on all 5 regions

Read – 20 min

Turkey stuffing due Friday

Homework 11/4

Spelling – activity, test Friday

Grammar test tomorrow – 4 types of sentences, simple subject, simple predicate

Test packet signed

Read 20 minutes

Library tomorrow

Spanish homework

Homework 11/2

Math – sheet, test tomorrow

Spelling – activity, test Friday

Grammar test – Thursday 11/5 on types of sentences, simple subject and simple predicate

Religion Award due Friday 11/6

Music test – Monday 11/9

Test packet signed


Homework 10/29

Vocabulary – sheet, test tomorrow

Halloween story due tomorrow

Grammar – test Wednesday – types of sentences , simple subjects (simple predicates will come tomorrow

Gym uniforms tomorrow

Please bring in food item for Halloween Party

Homework 10/27

Math – sheet,  Chp. 2 test is Tuesday 11/3

Vocabulary – sheet, test Friday

Halloween story is due Friday

Grammar test – Wed. 11/4, the sheet on types of sentences is only one part – other sheets will be coming home

Book orders due by 6:00 tonight

Test packet signed

Spanish test tomorrow

Wear gym uniform on Friday and bring in your costume.