Homework 9/30

Math – Sumdog, study mult. facts

Vocabulary – sheet , test Friday

Computer homework from Mrs. Wyatt

Spanish homework – Each week there will be homework


Mass and Blessing of the Animals on Friday 10/2

Homework 9/29

Math – sheet #2-7, test on Chp. 1 next Wednesday 10/7

Vocabulary – sheet, test on Friday

Book orders due by 6:00 tonight


Spanish homework – due tomorrow

Computer homework – due Thursday

Library Exchange – Thursday



Homework 9/22

Math – Study multiplication tables

Vocabulary – Study word definitions for test next Friday 10/2

Read for at least 10 min. each day

Book Orders are due by Monday 9/28

Homework 9/16

Math – page 7

Spelling – activity, test Friday

Social Studies – study maps

Book orders due Monday 9/28.  They can be done online or a paper copy with a check enclosed. Check made payable to Scholastic Reading Club.  Online code is  N84CG

Read for at least 10 minutes


Homework 9/14

Math – Study multiplication tables

Spelling activity – Please make sure your homework book is signed and the activity is written down if  you cannot bring the activity in to school.  Test is Friday

Picture Day is this Wednesday 9/16

Write a short speech for class representative if you would like to run

Read for at least 10 min.


Homework 9/2

Welcome Back!

Read for at least 10 minutes

Study multiplication tables each night, please.  The students really need to memorize up to the 10 table.

Please return emergency cards

Hot lunch will begin on Monday, Sept. 28th



Homework 5/12

Math – short test on Chp. 10

Vocabulary – page 134, test Thursday

Trip on Friday – Wear gym uniform; bring a jacket, snack and lunch.  Please be on time…..bus  will be here ready  to go at 8:30!

Homework 5/5

Grammar test is Thursday

Spelling activity – test Friday

Measuring cups and spoons for Friday – please no glass

Social Studies – test on famous Pennsylvanians is Friday

Reading – Reread My Brother Martin, test Thursday

Homework 5/4

Math – page 197 , test on Chp. 10 is on 5/15

Grammar – Study 136, 140, 144, 148, 152, test is on Thursday

Spelling – activity, test Friday

Reading – Study 7 vocab. words that go with the story, test Thursday

Social Studies – Test on Famous Pennsylvanians is Friday

Book Fair – Buy one get one is on Thursday

Please bring in measuring cups and spoons by Wed.  They will be returned on Friday