2/2/2016 Homework

Vocabulary: page 105; test Wednesday

Grammar: page 71 Quotations; test tomorrow on Nouns (proper/common, plurals, quotations)

fix corrections from homework

Math: Maintenance due Friday; quiz on Thursday on adding/subtracting fractions

Book Fair this week

2/1/2016 Homework

Vocabulary: page 105; test Wednesday

Grammar: page 111 (Quotations)

page 31 (Plural Nouns)

Math: Maintenances due Friday

Quiz on fractions Thursday

Hibernate with a Good Book; see email for details

Book Fair this week


Vocabulary: page 103 (Antonym and Synonyms)

Grammar: page 53 (Singular and Plural Nouns)

Math: page 127 (Least Common Multiples)

Soc. Studies: rough copy on NOrtheast landmarks due Wednesday

Religion Awards for January due Friday 2/5.