11/4/2015 Homework

Spelling: page 12; test Thursday

Grammar: pages 26 and 27; test Friday on all subjects and predicates

Math: finish test prep pages 100-102; Test chapter 2 Thursday

Permission slips for Friday signed

Music test on Monday

Test folders signed and returned.

11/3/2015 Homework

Spelling: page 11; Test Thursday

Grammar: page 22; Test Friday (all subjects and predicates)

Math: goformative.com (Math Homework 11/3/15); Test Chapter 2 Thursday

Permission slips need to be returned

Return test folders

Bethlehem Catholic on Friday

  • Grammar : page 21 in packet; test Wednesday on all subjects and predicates
  • Spelling: page 10; test Thursday
  • Math: worksheet; Test Thursday Chapter 2
  • Permission slips for Friday signed.

ELA: Vocabulary Test tomorrow; Research on Ellis Island and Angel Island with a paragraph on island of your choice due tomorrow.

MATH: Worksheet on Interpreting Remainders; Math Maintenance due tomorrow; Quiz on dividing 2 digit divisors tomorrow.

Halloween Party and Parade tomorrow at 1:30.

Winter Uniform begins on Monday!


10/28/2015 Homework

ELA: Vocabulary page 42; test Friday

“Shutting Out the Sky” Test tomorrow.

MATH: worksheet; Math Maintenance due Friday.

quiz on dividing with 2 digit divisors on Friday.

Halloween Party and Parade on Friday starting at 1:30.

10/27/2015 Homework

ELA: Vocabulary Unit 4 Page 41; Test Friday! Practice on Spellingcity.com

Shutting Out the Sky Test Thursday.

MATH: worksheet; Maintenance due Friday.

Quiz Friday on dividing with 2 digit divisors.

Halloween Party and Parade at 1:30 on Friday

10/26/2015 Homework

ELA: Vocabulary packet page 40; Test on Friday

practice on Spellingcity.com

“Shutting out the Sky” packet page 48; test Thursday.

MATH:  Practice page 41; EVENS

Quiz Friday on dividing with two digit divisors.

Math Maintenance due Friday.

Spanish: page 18 ODDS

Halloween Party/Parade Friday 1:30


10/20/2015 Homework

ELA: “Shutting Out the Sky” packet page 46.

Grammar: finish packet (to be handed in)/ Quiz on Thursday Complete/Simple Subject and Predicates

MATH: finish reteaching page.

Test Folders due Thursday