5th Grade Homework

Math worksheet

Math Maintenance due tomorrow

Spelling test on Unit 8 words

Social studies test tomorrow. Quizlet listed under “natural resources and the economy”. Please know examples of good vs service as well as renewable vs nonrenewable resources.

5th Grade Homework

Math worksheet

Math maintenance due Friday. Last quick check tomorrow.

Spelling and Social Studies test Friday.

STEM challenge tomorrow. If anyone has paper towel/toilet paper rolls, cardboard of any kind, or straws  to donate, I will provide the rest. Thank you!

5th Grade Homework

Math test tomorrow. Please study lesson 3.1 though 3.7.

Math Maintenance due Friday. Quick checks daily

Spelling test Friday

Progress reports are due today. If you did not return it signed please do so tomorrow.

5th Grade Homework

Progress reports came home today. Please sign and return by Monday

Math Pages 63 and 64.

Vocabulary test tomorrow

dress down day tomorrow . Wear white. Cost is $1.

Catholic schools week poster contest extended to Monday 1-23.