Art Contest -2017 Drug Free Calendar Contest

From Mrs. Houdek:

I am pleased to announce that, in conjunction with National Drug Prevention Month, our office will sponsor the 20th Annual Attorney General Drug Free Calendar Contest.

Fifth graders from across the Commonwealth will have a chance to have their artwork displayed in a 2017 drug-free calendar. To have your school participate , please pass along a copy of this letter to your fifth grade teachers asking them to have their students create an original illustration that includes a drug-free message of their choice (example: The best me is Drug Free”). The drawing s should be on white 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper with a landscape orientation. Students may use paint, pens, pencils, crayons or any other drawing instrument. Glitter and the use of copyrighted brand names or images are prohibited. Please note any entries with misspelled words will be disqualified.

-Idea due on Wednesday 9/28/16

-will work on in class

Questions email



There will be an “electronic party” at the end of the day . I pads will be provided. Students may bring electronics from home. Electronics must be kept in backpacks until end of the day.

Math pages 25 and 26

Vocabulary test on Friday


Homework 9-19-16

Book orders due tonight. I’d like to place the order tomorrow. Thank you:)

Math Pages 11 and 12

Science test tomorrow – Use quizzes and workbook to study. It will be open book.

Vocabulary test Friday


No  homework this weekend.

Science test moved to Tuesday 9-20

If you would like to run for student council please prepare a short speech for Monday

homework 9-14

Math- pages 7 and 8. Math maintenance due Friday.

Science test Friday 9-16

Spelling test Friday 9-16

Words-blunder,fragile,continuous, scuffle,reject,solitary,distribute,cancel,veteran,document,temporary,myth

Frindle test tomorrow




All students may wear gym uniform tomorrow because it will be hot.

Math pages 5 and 6.

Please return yellow communication folder asap.

Link below to video we watched in science class today.