Homework 1/19/17

6th Social Studies- Introduction paragraph rough draft

6th Vocabulary- Unit 8 quiz Thursday

7th Social Studies- Battlefield reporter paper due tomorrow

8th Science- Unit 3 lesson 3 review

Auction Items- please submit donations by 1/31

PJAS- make corrections to projects. Must be uploaded before competition

Homework 1/18/17

6th Social Studies- in text citation examples

7th Religion- packet questions

7th Science- unit 4 lesson 7 review

7th Social Studies- battlefield reporter project due Friday

8th Science- p. 138-141 #6-8,10

Auction- please get donations in.

January 17, 2017

ELA–Venn diagram that compares and contrasts Zebra and Mr. Wilson: how are they alike and how are they different; vocabulary unit 9 note cards due Thursday; spelling unit 9 test Friday

Homework 1/17/17

6th Science- unit 2 quiz tomorrow

6th Social Studies- article summary with 2 in text citations

7th Social Studies- p. 184 #1,2,4-6. Battlefield reporter essay due Friday

7th Religion- ch. 8 Faith Words

7th Auction basket- please send in donations

January 13, 2017

ELA–quiz on “Zebra” on Wednesday (link: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGNzZGsxMi5vcmd8bXMtYm95ZC1zLWNsYXNzcm9vbXxneDoyMWM2ZGI4NTlkMjZhZTU4); vocabulary unit 9 notecards due Thursday

Homework 1/13/17

6th Science- Unit 2 quiz Wednesday

6th Social Studies- work on Russian history project

7th Social Studies- Battlefield reporter assignment due Friday

8th Science- Unit 3 lesson 1 review