Homework 11/15/16

6th Science- Unit 1 test Friday. Study.

6th Social Studies- Travel agent projects due Thursday

7th Science- Unit 2 test Monday. Study

7th Social Studies- p.123 #1,2

8th Science- Unit 2 lesson 1 review

Homework 11/10/16

6th Science- unit 1 study guide due: Mon.

6th Vocab- Unit 5 homework due: Thurs.

7th Social Studies- packet pgs. 18-21. Highlight 1. origin of slavery 2. Atlantic slave trade 3. slavery in the English Colonies. Uses different colors for each

7th Science- be prepared to work on PJAS presentations tomorrow

8th Science- research paper outline and rough draft due: Mon.

PJAS- outline corrections due: Mon.