ELA–study for vocabulary unit 15 test; finish rewrite of ode; do rhyme scheme practice sheet
Category Archives: 7th Grade
Math 7 – Maintenance Sheet #10 due tomorrow
Math 7 – Maintenance #10 due Friday – show all work for credit
Homework 4/20/16
6th Science- bring objects for experiment
6th Social Studies- bibliography rough draft
6th Vocabulary- Unit 10 packet
7th Science- bring tape measures
7th grade– field trip permission slip/check due: Friday
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
ELA–All work is due Thursday
vocabulary: “Completing the sentence” and use any 10 words in sentences; test Friday
poetry packet (ode)
Math 7/8
Complete the Pretest, Life Scenarios, Games and Post-test
Homework 4/19/16
6th Social Studies- bibliography rough draft
6th Science- p. 427 #1,2
7th Social Studies- p. 313 #1,2,4,5
7th Science- bring material for bird plane. Remember tape measures for Friday
7th Grade – please bring in field trip permission slips/checks ASAP
Monday, April 18, 2016
ELA–vocabulary “Choosing the Right Word” and synonym and antonym exercises for unit 15; test Friday; complete first page of poetry terms definitions
Homework 4/18/16
6th Social Studies- body paragraph rough draft
6th Science- key terms p. 419
7th Science- bring materials for “birdplane” construction
8th Science- p. 476 #2,3. Ocean floor diagram
Thursday, April 14, 2016
ELA–spelling test unit 15