Homework 11/23/15

6th Science- p. 189 #1 p. 191#1,2

7th Religion- Stained glass window and Pentecost article due Wednesday. Service project due Wednesday.

8th Science- Test Wednesday


Homework 11/20/15

6th Science- p. 187 #1

6th Social Studies- Central Europe quiz Monday

7th Religion- Holy Spirit stained glass due Monday. Pentecost article due Wednesday.

7th Social Studies- p. 144 #1,2

8th Science- ch. 5 study guide

Thursday, November 19, 2015

ELA–“Completing the Sentences” vocab; spelling test tomorrow; grammar worksheet, ex. 2, #1-15, follow directions and label the verb P and circle the subject; look up details for essay; vocab test Tuesday 11/24

social studies–finish notes on p. 142-143