6th Social Studies- wkst packet (p.6)
6th Science- please bring in a green leaf tomorrow for an experiment
7th Religion- ch. 1 Faith Words
7th Science- p. 40 #1
7th Social Studies- pick a tribe for the Native American project.
6th Social Studies- wkst packet (p.6)
6th Science- please bring in a green leaf tomorrow for an experiment
7th Religion- ch. 1 Faith Words
7th Science- p. 40 #1
7th Social Studies- pick a tribe for the Native American project.
6th Social Studies- Geography worksheet
6th Science- Lab due
7th Social Studies- Native American Chart. p. 15 #1-3
8th Science- p. 74 #1,2
6th Science lab (Wednesday 9/9):
ELA 7–Fever test on Wednesday
Have a good weekend!
ELA 7–test on No Excuses words tomorrow; test on Fever on 9/9
Math 7 – Workbook pgs. 2 and 3
* All classes should have their textbooks covered and Notebooks labeled/decorated by Thursday 9/3/15
6th Science– Lab report
7th Religion– Explain a quote about legacy or your dreams.
7th Science– p. 18 #1,2. Finish Scientific Inquiry chart. Key terms p. 14 (you do not have to define the term scientific inquiry).
6th grade: We need materials for a lab next Wednesday. They are: scissors, straws, clear plastic cups, empty water bottles, and a green leaf from your yard. Please let me know if you can bring these items in ASAP. Thank you.
*All classes please return bottom half of parent letter by Thursday
7th Grade- Return emergency contact info.
7th Social Studies- p.9 #1,2,5,6
7th/8th PJAS- Project idea due 9/11 (Fri.)
ELA 7–test on No Excuses words on Thursday; test on Fever on 9/9
All classes should have notebooks decorated, textbooks covered, and returned parent letter by Thursday 9/3.
Mr. Perry’s Class
Science, Social Studies, and Religion
Welcome to Mr. Perry’s class ! I am looking forward to a wonderful year. I teach all of Middle School Science. 6th and 7th Social Studies, and 7th Religion. The following is a list of supplies that you will need for the school year.
Class Supplies:
Spiral notebook. 1 for each subject.
Folder. 1 for each subject.
Packet of loose leaf paper.
Blue or black ink pens.
Crayons, markers, or colored pencils.
Flash drive.
Classroom Supplies:
Paper Towels.
Disinfecting wipes.
Paper towels.
Hand sanitizer.
You will be given your textbooks during the first week of school. They should be covered at all times. I hope that you have a restful and fun summer. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at lperry@stisidoreschool.com.
Mr. Perry
7th Grade
St. Isidore