Wednesday, May 31, 2017

religion–service hours form due Friday

ELA–poem memorized by Friday

social studies–finish “The ABCs” worksheet on New Deal programs; final on Monday–begin reviewing the 20s and 30s


May 25, 2017

*Students may wear their class t-shirts for field day with their regular gym shorts.

*Permission slips and payment for trip ASAP, please.

religion–service hours due 6/2

ELA–“The Road Not Taken” memorized by 6/2

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

*May Procession and Mass tomorrow. Girls wear nice dress clothing, and boys wear slacks and shirt and tie or school uniform.

religion–service hours due 6/2

ELA–test on Julius Caesar tomorrow; memorize poem by 6/2


Friday, May 19, 2107

religion–study for final on Wednesday; service hours due June 2

social studies–finish last note-taking guide; chapter test on Wednesday

ELA–vocabulary final Monday; poem memorized by June 2

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

religion–p. 123 assessment for Friday; religion final Wednesday, 5/23; service hours due by 6/2

ELA–study for vocab final on Monday

social studies–chapter 21, section 4: read and do note-taking guide for Friday; test either Tuesday or Wednesday next week


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

ELA–study for vocabulary final on 5/22

religion–finish study guide part 2

social studies–finish reading section 2 and complete note-taking guide; anticipate test on Tuesday 5/23