First Friday Mass and Blessing of Animals tomorrow!
ELA–vocabulary test
social studies–finish notes on chapter 13, section 2
First Friday Mass and Blessing of Animals tomorrow!
ELA–vocabulary test
social studies–finish notes on chapter 13, section 2
ELA–essay due tomorrow; all vocabulary unit 2 exercises due tomorrow; study for vocab test on Friday
religion–test Thursday
art–zine due Thursday
Tuesday visit to Bethlehem Catholic–Students are to wear their gym uniforms. They do not need a lunch as it is provided for them. We will be leaving immediately after prayers in the morning and return well before regular afternoon dismissal.
religion–test on chapter 2 Thursday
ELA–essay due Wednesday; finish all unit 2 vocabulary exercises for Wednesday; vocab test Friday
art-finish zine for Thursday
ELA–spelling unit 2 test tomorrow; revise Outsiders essay to better incorporate quotes; finish at least 2 quotes on worksheet if not done in class; poetry recitation!
social studies–chapter 13 vocabulary terms only on p. 443
religion–think about participation in First Friday Mass
ELA–add quotes to Outsiders essay; make 3 revisions to words in essay to make them stronger/more specific; spelling unit 2 test Friday; poetry recitation Friday
social studies–chapter 13 vocabulary terms p. 443
religion–complete moral quotient survey for Wednesday
ELA–vocabulary unit 2 note cards due Wednesday; spelling test Friday
social studies–test on chpt. 12 Wednesday
ELA–finish grammar worksheet; rough draft of theme paragraph due Monday ; poetry recitation on Friday
social studies–notes for 12-4 due Monday; chapter 12 test on Wednesday
ELA–study for vocabulary test
social studies–notes for 12-3 due Friday; notes for 12-4 due Monday; chapter 12 test Wednesday
religion– study for test!
ELA–use vocab words #11-20 in sentences; test Friday
social studies–notes for 12-3 due Friday; notes for 12-4 due Monday; chapter 12 test next Wednesday
religion–chapter 1 test on Thursday
ELA–vocabulary: all exercises to and including page 21 (you do not need to do the writing on p. 20). Unit 1 test on Friday; use words #11-20 in sentences for Thursday