ELA– memorize “The Road Not Taken” by Thursday; write outline for poetry essay for Monday–ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF LOOSELEAF
social studies–read chpt. 23, section 3 and complete the note-taking guide; chapt. evaluation will be no later than Thursday
ELA– memorize “The Road Not Taken” by Thursday; write outline for poetry essay for Monday–ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF LOOSELEAF
social studies–read chpt. 23, section 3 and complete the note-taking guide; chapt. evaluation will be no later than Thursday
religion–service hours due no later than 6/3
ELA–memorize poem by 5/26
social studies–read chpt. 23, sect. 2 and complete note-taking guide
religion–read and highlight p. 175-177; finish card for vet
social studies–read chpt. 23, section 1 and complete note-taking guide
ELA–review grammar worksheet; memorize poem by 5/26
Math 8 – Performance Assessment practice sheet on Volume
religion–last chance for corrections to Mary project
ELA–finish grammar worksheet; write paragraph for poem, “The Road Not Taken” and begin memorizing
social studies–finish packet
Math 8 – Text p. 357
ELA–learn poem by 5/26
Math 8 – Roman numerals practice sheet
Text p. 357
Math 8 – Text p. 356
Math 8 – Text p. 355