religion–test on Lent and Easter season notes on Thursday
social studies–15 uses for a pencil
ELA-“Choosing the right word”; vocab test Friday; finish reading chart on Mark Twain if not completed in class; poem memorized by 4/7 (Thursday)
religion–test on Lent and Easter season notes on Thursday
social studies–15 uses for a pencil
ELA-“Choosing the right word”; vocab test Friday; finish reading chart on Mark Twain if not completed in class; poem memorized by 4/7 (Thursday)
Math 8 – Volume of pyramids/cones WS
ELA–spelling and grammar tests; grammar worksheet #1-5; make vocab cards
social studies–read and take notes on chapter 18, section 2 by Monday
Math 8 – Workbook pgs. 255-256
Math 8 –
P9-2 #1-9
Chapter 8 TEST signed
ELA–vocabulary notecards for unit 14 due Friday; grammar worksheet (first side only); study for grammar and spelling tests on Friday; poems memorized by April 7
Math 8 – Please get Chapter 8 TEST signed
Workbook pgs. 253-254
social studies–read chapter 18, section 1 and complete the notes worksheet
ELA–prepositional phrases worksheet; quiz on prepositional phrases on Friday; spelling unit 14 test Friday
ELA–study for vocabulary test next Tuesday
Math 8 – Maintenance #8/9 corrections on loose leaf – show all work