Thursday, November 19, 2015

ELA–spelling test tomorrow; do “Completing the Sentences”; finish outline of essay and look up details

religion–chpt. 7 test tomorrow

social studies–finish reading chpt. 14, sect. 1 and complete note-taking guide

science–finish notes on p. 152-153; do #1-2 on p. 154

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

religion–complete reading p. 81; do quiz on p. 83; chapter 7 test on Friday

ELA–vocab: “Choosing the Right Word”; brainstorm for “What the United States Flag Stands For” essay; spelling test Fri.; vocab test Tues. 11/24

social studies–finish reading chpt. 14, section 1 and complete the note-taking guide


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

ELA–notecards for unit 6 vocabulary due tomorrow; character paragraph due tomorrow; spelling test Friday; vocab test Tuesday, 11/14

social studies–chapter 14 “Key Terms” definitions

religion–chapter 7 test Friday