Tuesday, October 6, 2015

religion–test on Monday, 10/12

ELA–quiz on 4 kinds of sentences, simple and compound sentences, fragments and run-ons on Thursday; spelling test Friday; bring 3 small personal items to school; memorize “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Monday

social studies–chpt. 11 test Friday; read section 4 and complete note-taking guide; study guide due by Thursday

Thursday, October 1, 2015

religion–write a scenario that is a moral dilemma that someone of your age might face. Use the format from today’s class to identify the problem, object, intention, circumstance, and solution. Be sure to write what sources you used to make your decision

ELA–vocabulary unit 2 test

social studies–By Monday:  get test signed; read and take notes on chpt. 11, sect. 2