ELA–study for spelling unit 9 test; memorize poem for 1/31
ELA–study for spelling unit 9 test; memorize poem for 1/31
ELA–vocabulary note cards for unit 9 due; spelling test Friday; memorize poem by 1/31
religion–finish worksheet
ELA–paragraph on what’s in your backpack; vocab notecards unit 9 due Thursday; spelling unit 9 test Friday; poem memorized by 1/31
social studies–presentations continue
ELA–vocabulary unit 9 note cards due Thursday
social studies–digital presentation due Tuesday; chapter 16 vocabulary due Tuesday
ELA–study for vocabulary test; finish drawings for poem
social studies–extra credit due
social studies–research paper due tomorrow; extra credit due Friday
ELA–vocab test Friday
ELA–vocabulary p. 103-106; test Friday; poem memorized by 1/31
social studies–paper due Thursday; extra credit due Friday
ELA–vocabulary p. 103-6 due Wednesday; vocabulary test Friday
social studies–research paper due Thursday; digital report due Tuesday, 1/17; extra credit due 1/13–no exceptions
ELA–bring edited rough draft to class on Monday; “The Gift of the Magi” assessment due Monday; vocabulary exercises for unit 8 due Wednesday
social studies–completed research paper due Thursday; extra credit due Friday
ELA–vocabulary note cards due; paragraph on connection between historical novel and research due; bring all research paper materials