Homework – September 19,2016

4th Grade – Lesson 8 Independent practice 1 – 17
5th Grade – Prime # worksheet and finish chart for problem 1-1 if not finished in class
6th Grade – Applications #1 graph the data
8th Grade – finish packet from class
Quiz on Friday
Chapter 3 Test on Wednesday, 9/28

Math maintenances due on Friday.

Homework – September15, 2016

4th – Lesson 7 Practice
5th – Inv 1,Prob 1.1, app – 1 – 7, conn 34 – 35,ext 41
7th – Inv 1, Prob 1-4, app 8 – 11, conn 26 – 28, ext 32 – 33
8th – Practice page 3-7, 1 – 15, 24 – 32

Remember your math maintenances are due tomorrow.

Homework – September 14, 2016

4th grade – finish the Independent practice from Lesson 6
5th Grade – finish spiral review if not finished in class
6th grade – Integers puzzles if not finished in class
7th grade – Problem 1.3 app 5 – 7, Conn 21 – 25
8th Grade – Compound Inequalities and interval notation review sheets, odd on the compound inequalities, all of the interval notation.

Homework – September 13, 2016

4th Grade – Finish up workbook pages 60 – 63 odd number problems
5th Grade – Dividing by multiples of 10 worksheet
6th Grade – Multiplying and dividing integers worksheet
7th Grade – Inv. 1.2 App 3 – 4, Conn 17 – 20, Ext 31
8th Grade – Practice pg. 3-6, odd number problems

Homework – September 12, 2016

4th grade – Practice page 1
5th grade – 2 digit practice page
6th grade – Adding and Subtracting Integers practice page
7th grade – Filling and Wrapping, Problem 1.1, Applications 1 – 2, Connections 12 – 16, Extensions 29 – 39
8th grade – Sets Choice Board, Std Test Prep

Math Maintenances were given out today, they are due Friday.
Dyna Math and Scholastic Math are both due October 3, 2016

Homework – September 9, 2016

5th – Division by teens, use compatible numbers to estimate the answer
6th – Practice page 1-2, adding and subtracting integers
7th – inequalities worksheet
8th – Practice page 3-5, working with sets, quiz on solving and graphing inequalities

Homework September 8 2016

5th – Compatible Numbers and Division worksheet
6th – Comparing and Ordering Integers
7th – Solving Equations PP 2-3 1 – 16, pick 4, 17 – 24, pick 2, 25 – 27 all
pp 2-4 1 – 20, pick 5, 21 – 28, pick 2, 29 – 30 all
8th – practice 3-4 do not do 15 – 20