Homework – November 2, 2015

4th – practice pg. 37, 1-6, 9,10, pg. 40, 1-24
5th – prime Time , Inv 4.1 app 1-6, conn 66, ext 80-87
6th – variables and paterna, Inv. 4.1, app 1-4, conn 21-25
7th – looking for Pythagoras, inv 2.1, app 1-3, conn 65-67, ext 71-72

Homework – October 26, 2015

4th – look over packets for test tomorrow
5th – Prime Time – App: 21 – 26, Conn: 37 -42, Extenwsion 54 – 55
6th – Variables and Patterns – App: 6 – 9, Conn 31 – 35
7th – Looking for Pythagoras, App 8 – 14, Extensions – 41
8th – Extra pracctice chapter 2 to prep for test. Finish 1 – 29 from class work
finish 1 – 29
problems from lesson 2-5 pick one from each subheading
lesson 2-6 2 from 39 – 44 and 1 from 45 – 47
lesson 2-7 4 problems from 48 – 59, 1 from 60 – 62
lesson 2-8 all
lesson 2-9 – 2-10 select problems

Homework – 10/21/15

5th – Prime Time – Finish problem 3.2 applications 5 – 13
6th – Variables and patterns – finish problem 3.2
7th – LooKng for pYTHAGORAS – A – 1 – 7, C – 26 – 34, E – 39 – 40
8th – work on CSI packt

Homework – 10/20/2015

4th – Patterns independent practice
5th – Prime Time – applications 1 – 4, extra credit if you find the rest of the 840 string
6th – Variables and patterns – applications – 1, Connections – 22- 25
8th – worksheet 2-10 due tomorrow, csi investigation due ‘Friday 10/30