Semana 1/2/17
4th- Complete crossword puzzle on page 15.
5th- No tarea
6th- Complete Math homework #’s 3, 6, 9 & 12.
7th- Study for time assessment.
8th- Study for Chapter 1A assessment.
Semana 11/28/16
4th- No Tarea
6th- Translate phrases on page 18 (even), using the definite and indefinite articles.
7th – Practice, practice, practice identifying number up to 59 and use the links below to practice telling time. (Play audio)
8th- Complete activity 5 from the textbook and practice unit vocabulary on page 52 for assessment on 12/14. You may also use Quizlet.
Semana 11/14/16
4th- Bring props for the in-class team project.
5th- Write the classroom vocabulary 3 times each.
6th- Complete page 15 of the workbook.
7th- Translate unit vocabulary using
8th- Practice unit 1A vocabulary.
Semana 11/7/16
4th – 7th – No tarea
8th – Please review magazine article on “Día de los muertos”.
Semana 10/31/16
4th & 5th- No tarea.
6th – Study for assessment on common phrases. We will review before assessment.
7th – No tarea
8th – Complete worksheets pages 14 & 15.
Semana 10/24/16
4th- Greetings assessment next week. Students should use words on Quizlet to study for the exam. In addition, they should view video below for reinforcement, and dialogue ideas for an in-class project.
5th- Complete page 11. Study for greetings and dialogue assessment next week.
6th- Complete page 12 using the Quizlet phrases flashcards just added to your class.
7th- Study for “Date” assessment next week. You must know days of the week, months of the year, and how to properly write a date.
8th- Copy vocabulary words from page 52 of the Realidades book in your notebook or lined paper. Listen to the audio for this unit on code Jad-0189 and Jad-0187.
(no title)
4th- Complete page 10 (greetings) and practice Quizlet flashcards. Assessment will be on 11/2.
5th- Complete pages 11 & 12 (greetings) and practice Quizlet flashcards. Assessment will be on 11/2.
6th- Complete page 10 (dates) and practice on Quizlet.
7th- Complete pages 9 & 10 practice vocabulary on Quizlet.
8th- Translate pg. 3 of the magazine and study Useful Expressions, assessment on 10/26.
Semana 10/10/16
4th– Complete page 9 and practice greetings flashcards on Quizlet.
5th– Practice greetings flashcard on Quizlet.
6th– Write down birth dates of 4 family members, and practice days of the weeks/months year on Quizlet.
7th– Complete bottom of page 8 and practice unit vocabulary on Quizlet.
8th– We had a great Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration Feast today, thank you for your delish dish. (See pics on facebook tomorrow.)
- Study useful expressions
- Read Magazine pages 2 and 14 (translate if needed)
Semana 10/03/16
4th – 7th Grades
- No homework (tarea)
- Assessment grades will be final on and MSP this weekend.
8th- Hispanic Heritage Month celebration will culminate with a feast of Spanish dishes. Please bring your dish (serve 4-5 ppl) on Wednesday, Oct. 12.
Semana 9/26/16
***Grades 4th – 7th will be assessed next week, using an online assessment software All students have been trained in the use of this software and would be able to navigate without any problems. All learners have set-up their accounts this week and should be able to provide you with a mini-tutorial if needed. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at
4th– Los números 0 – 39, learners should be able to read and identify. Spelling is NOT being assessed at this point.
5th– Los números 0 – 39, learners should be able to read and identify. Spelling WILL be assessed with numbers 0-15.
6th– Pronouns, verb “er”, numbers 0 – 100, learners should be able to read, identify, conjugate the verb and spell numbers 0-20.
7th– Pronouns, verb “er”, months of the year, and five vocab/phrases, learners should be able to read, identify, conjugate verb and translate the vocabulary.
8th– Students will practice/study “Useful Expressions” on Quizlet two times. If not signed up yet, go to Google classroom for the link to join. Sra. Deterville must see two studied sets in order for homework points to count.